
[:en]The Nazi like indifference of Globo towards the future of social programs

[:en]Photo: Mídia NINJA Daily Contextual Analysis – By Miguel do Rosário Translated by Eoin O’Neill The interview with Professor Wanderley Guilherme, published today in Cafezinho, contains an important alert for all Brazilians, especially the political community: we are entering a period of profound instability, because so far the coup has only been political. However, to […]

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[:en]Photo: Mídia NINJA

Daily Contextual Analysis – By Miguel do Rosário

Translated by Eoin O’Neill

The interview with Professor Wanderley Guilherme, published today in Cafezinho, contains an important alert for all Brazilians, especially the political community: we are entering a period of profound instability, because so far the coup has only been political. However, to be fully consummated, it also needs to be a social coup, in other words, it will have to use violence to coerce, intimidate, and annihilate all the social instances which do not accept it as a democratic and legitimate process.
He also notes that the opposition, by embarking on such a farcical golpista adventure, hastily tied together with the mediatic monopoly, will start to lose on the first day of the illegal government, because it will then be subject to all sorts of demands which until now were being made of the PT — and there are no miraculous responses on the horizon.

Cafezinho was in Brasília this Wednesday where we interviewed, together with other bloggers, Tereza Campello, Minister of Social Development.

Before the beginning of the interview, Campello told me a story which terrified me.

She remembered that the press has begun to publicize with great fanfare, a document from the possible new Temer administration, called ‘Social Passage,’ which deals with social programs. The name ‘passage’ is the same used in the Aécio Neves campaign, and this is not by chance. Campello observed that the press published the content of the document without consulting the ministry responsible for social programs, without even making a single miserable counterpoint.

This document for the ‘new government’ was published without being subjected to any criticism. The social programs of the government, Campello explained, are praised all over the world. In addition, they are used as an international model. Nevertheless, neither the ministry nor any other serious organization was consulted.

Campello also noted that the social programs in force at present do not only express the materialization of the ideas being debated. They are the mature fruit of an immense series of concrete research projects, including by organizations not linked to the government.

The minister said that she contacted the press. They did not want to hear her. Rather, the blockade was total, she lamented. So, she ordered the ministry to study the impact of the measures ‘announced’ by the new government and trumpeted by the press.

TV Globo, instead of publishing the ministry’s study, sent three profoundly aggressive and hostile questions, asking if the ministry had the ‘right’ to criticize a party program.

It is frightening.

The social programs of the government impact the lives of dozens of millions of Brazilians, and through them the entire national economy.

So fascist is the Brazilian press that is releases reports about social programs but does not consult the ministry responsible for the implementation of the current programs. It does not even look at the study and research which exists about these programs!

Today, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decide to strip Eduardo Cunha of both his presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and his parliamentary mandate.

Better late than never, but it is lamentable that this happened after the impeachment vote. The STF’s omission is something explainable only by its adhesion to the mood of the coup inflamed by the means of communication and economic power.

The STF is just repeating the modus operandi of 1964, when it washed its hands and afterwards gave the coup its seal of approval.

Although the government submitted a suit to annul the impeachment vote, since it was led by Eduardo Cunha, the damage has been done.

The golpista gang do not appear to be worried about anything but power. Their blindness in relation to the dirt of the process, in relation to the risks of carrying out a golpista adventure which will empower an illegitimate government, is explained by the total protection provided by the mediatic monopoly, which is fully committed to the coup.

For some time, we have been warning about the commitment of the media to the coup. The Power section in Folha, for example, has been fully occupied for more than a year with publicity in favor of impeachment. Nevertheless, Dilma Rousseff started 2016, despite everything, with an ‘exclusive’ article in Folha…

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Miguel do Rosário

Miguel do Rosário é jornalista e editor do blog O Cafezinho. Nasceu em 1975, no Rio de Janeiro, onde vive e trabalha até hoje.

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Maria Augusta Cook

06/05/2016 - 21h10

E muito triste para nos brasileiros que mora mos fora e hover os comentario que eu housing nos de 70 e 80. NAO podiam defender meu pais. Como eu iria defender uma ditadura e depois politicos Corruptos que nos governavam? E agora out to GOLPE, DESTA VEZ DE POLITICOS CORRUPTOS. CHORO PELO MEU PAIS. I CRY FOR MY COUNTRY!

Claudemir nelson da silva

06/05/2016 - 18h37

Sem corrupção não há capitalismo e a direita não existiria. Assim o mundo é corrupto e escravocrata.

    Maria Augusta Cook

    06/05/2016 - 21h14

    Existe paises na Europa que nao tem o mesmo tamanho de corrupçao. Corrupçao exite no mundo todo, mas o nosso e de conhecimento extraodinario. Os Brasileiros ainda sao muito inocentes.


      07/05/2016 - 05h55

      Fico pensando se nossos corruptos são mais gananciosos ou menos competentes na hora de esconder que roubaram… Aqui na Alemanha toda semana tem um mini escândalo de corrupção , políticos , mega
      empresarios, artistas e esportistas… Isso pq não entra na conta da corrupção no Brasil a sonegação de impostos, se assim fossemos seriamos imbatíveis :-/

      Claudemir nelson da silva

      07/05/2016 - 09h39

      Acredito que lá eles têm um mecanismo denominado cultura que inibe a ação. Já o Brasil cuja história de colônia de exploração não permite banir a corrupção, Principalmente quando existem empresas dessa bem sucedida Europa e EUA que corrompem todos os seguimentos dos países pobres para que possam explorar o povo de todas as maneiras. Hoje o Brasil possui diversas religiões e a maioria, principalmente as evangélicas são norte americanas. Ex.: Assembléia de Deus, Igreja Batista, presbiteriana, testemunha de Jeová, igreja de Jesus cristo dos santos dos últimos dias, congregação cristã no Brasil. Temos a própria ICAR com seus produtos multinacionais como a NESTLE. Enquanto os EUA e Europa praticam o protecionismo os políticos e judiciário brasileiros são pagos por esses países para fazer o inverso. Enquanto lá existe uma politica de proteção e valorização dos produtos nacionais, aqui no Brasil existe exatamente o contrário. Para você ter uma ideia que existe um tal de guaraná Jesus no maranhão que é totalmente brasileiro que nem sei o sabor, contudo desde pequeno somos induzidos a beber coca cola, assistir filmes norte americanos, ouvir músicas norte americanas e consumir seus produtos. Para tal eles controlam as mídias da Américas para exaltarem sua cultura denigrindo a nossa. A Globo, o SBT, a Record a Band todas são panfleto de propaganda norte americana. Nascemos para referenciar tudo que vem de lá ignorando a verdade sobre a devastação que isso representa para nossa cultura, nossa economia e vários prejuízos para a nação brasileira que até hoje é apenas um quintal de exploração da Europa e dos EUA.

Henrique Dias

06/05/2016 - 11h19

Justiça e Legislativo Brasileiro corruptos, bonito para os brasileiros no exterior.

    Maria Augusta Cook

    06/05/2016 - 21h18

    Para nos brasileiros que moramos fora e muito tragico. E nao podemos fazer nada. So os Brasileiros que vive mentalmente no Brasil podem se educarem politicamente e elegerem pessoas menos ambciosas financeiramente.

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