
The draining agenda of Brazil’s pathetic pro-coup opposition

Daily analysis of the political scenario – October 21 by Miguel do Rosario, editor of Cafezinho (Translation by Eduardo Pagnoncelli) Brazil’s opposition forces have become so pathetic that they are now trying a coup based on supposed “fiscal maneuvers” done by the government in the current year, which hasn’t even come to an end yet.  […]

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Daily analysis of the political scenario – October 21

by Miguel do Rosario, editor of Cafezinho

(Translation by Eduardo Pagnoncelli)

Brazil’s opposition forces have become so pathetic that they are now trying a coup based on supposed “fiscal maneuvers” done by the government in the current year, which hasn’t even come to an end yet. 

It’s like that: even though the pro-coup forces are aware that the Lower House and the Federal Account Courts (TCU) have spent decades without analyzing and judging the central government’s accounts, they are currently trying to unseat a president who was elected in a country that has 143 million voters, simply based on an “online” analysis of public accounts.

The Lower House website informs the public that opposition parties have submitted a new petition for president Dilma’s impeachment. The deputies are willing to challenge a Supreme Court (STF) decision that ruled against the possibility of the impeachment being voted by the deputies in the Lower House plenary. By doing that they are jeopardizing their own initiative and behaving like true political bandits.

As Marina Silva used to say, they search for power just for the sake of it. They don’t even care if Brazil’s judicial elite considers that strategy a form of coup. Also, it doesn’t seem important for them that the international media has criticized their antidemocratic truculence. They are just not bothered about submitting Brazilian democracy to an institutional demoralization, in case this impeachment coup actually passes.

They have no plans for Brazil.

What kind of projects do they have to offer? Who would be the leader to assume power?

The coup enthusiasts are completely mad. So mad that they don’t even see the basic mistakes that they are making. An eventual impeachment would not only affect the Worker’s Party (PT) and president Dilma’s government. It would also affect the millions of voters who took part in the electoral process. Thousands of political deals are closed when building candidacies, and they all depend on the elections results.

Elections always produce a very complex and delicate system of political alliances, which cannot be destroyed by a radical maneuver against democracy.

We are facing a threat that would hurt the political freedom of individuals very deeply. And unlike what they think, we choose the people who will govern us after doing a very particular, moral and political judgment. Our votes haven’t been bought by campaign money and we are aware of our candidate’s and its government mistakes. And taking all of that in consideration, we then choose them or reject them. It is a free and subjective judgment that corresponds to what should be political liberty, which is the nerve centre of democracy.

Do they want to throw all of it away?

How much longer will they test our patience?

President Dilma has been facing the mediatic-judicial conspiracy with a second to none resignation and sweet attitude.

Meanwhile, Federal judge Sergio Moro is still on his own crusade against some important businessmen, whom he wants to keep in prison for a longer period.

But his tactics are starting to wear off. Whistleblowers have already blown all the whistles that they seemed to have. Marcelo Odebrecht, head of Odebrecht, didn’t sign any whistle blowing deal and has stated that he won’t do it, despite the media’s push.

One day or another the tortures [made to encourage businessmen to accept whistle blowing agreements]* will come to a stop.

The attorneys involved in the Operation Lava-Jato keep pressuring Mr. Odebrecht into becoming a whistleblower, by illegally leaking to the media some of the company’s private emails, which configures a deliberate attempt to damage the Odebrecht’s businesses and image.

The recent scandals involving Lower House president Eduardo Cunha have helped demoralizing Operation Lava Jato, as all the evidences against Mr. Cunha didn’t come from whistleblowers, but from documents sent by Swiss authorities containing his signature.

What people seem to be ignoring, though – and the media will certainly refuse to admit – is that the moral degeneration encouraged by the opposition is giving DIlma Rousseff some political strength.

At first Dilma seemed like a tentative and weak president who has a notorious political problem. However, as she passes through the ring of fire of successive coup attempts she seems to be getting stronger.

And that is a great irony, which is something very common in politics.

In its overeagerness to take Dilma down, the opposition ends up making her stronger.

When this whole process stops – and it will, eventually – Brazilian media will also end up with scars, as they have once again played the sad role of not raising their voices against the attempts to circumvent the sovereignty of universal suffrage.

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Silene Almeida

27/10/2015 - 12h05


Sandro Duarte

24/10/2015 - 20h16

Esta é CERTAMENTE a página mais TENDENCIOSA e VERGONHOSA que já tive a infelicidade de entrar…
Não conheço os responsáveis pelas matérias mas nunca li opiniões tão míopes na internet!
Não sou filiado a NENHUM PARTIDO, apenas acredito que o NOSSO País precisa se livrar destes BANDIDOS no governo e destes que SE DIZEM JORNALISTAS TAMBÉM.


24/10/2015 - 18h09

Por favor traduzir a legenda da placa para inglês.
Struggle for the end of democracy
militar entervention, now!


23/10/2015 - 11h34

Estou tentando DESAPRENDER inglês, um processo de DESCOLONIZAÇÃO… Preferia que fosse em espanhol (e quero aprender russo).


    23/10/2015 - 12h09

    gracias por su palabras

Murilo Alberto

23/10/2015 - 12h29

Estupidez, agora na língua do yankees…

Vera Lúcia Piesanti Molinar

23/10/2015 - 10h22

isso é doentio.

Mauricio Gomes

23/10/2015 - 08h21

Quem quiser entender o “perfil” dessas pessoas patéticas que vão desfilar (ops, protestar) contra a corrupção precisa olhar isso. A “musa do impeachment” serviu ao seu cão, durante o último carnacoxinha, caviar e champagne. Não é piada, é sério.

Esses pobres diabos, se não fossem danosos ao país, seriam dignos de pena.!/foto/1

Simone Dos Santos

23/10/2015 - 04h41

Manifestação que expõe os coxinhas em mais um mico fenomenal

    Murilo Alberto

    23/10/2015 - 12h31

    O cagaço de vcs de aparecerem mais 2 milhões aqui na Paulista e proporcionalmente nos outros estados…
    Vá correr de arrastão na praia pra manter a forma, dona…

    Simone Dos Santos

    23/10/2015 - 14h39

    Murilo Alberto vá buscar o seu bolsa balde de água, cuidado com as chacinas! ?

Laura Faria

23/10/2015 - 03h02


Shinna Lantyer

23/10/2015 - 01h59

Qual democracia??? Estamos em plena ditadura canalha!

    Ge Munhoz

    23/10/2015 - 02h08

    Vc esta brincando nao é? Nós estamos numa ditadura????

    Maria Rocha

    23/10/2015 - 02h48

    Ge Munhoz eu fico impressionada com o tamanho da ignorância dos repetidores da veja e globo. O cara vem à PÚBLICO dizer q estamos numa ditadura. Com certeza ele não tem a mínima ideia do que fala. Dá até vontade de rir da ignorância


      23/10/2015 - 16h08

      Rir , lamentar, ficar impressionado com tamanha ignorância… Não há como se manifestar de tamanha estupidez .
      Deve ser uma autêntico “cabeça de papel” feita com folhas de jornais e revistinhas minguantes.
      A mídia causa danos irreparáveis ao cérebro, realmente…

    Simone Dos Santos

    23/10/2015 - 04h39

    Você vive a ditadura da burrice

    Maria Rocha

    23/10/2015 - 07h33

    Simone Dos Santos né isso Simone? o cara além de falar asneiras ainda vem esculhambar, sei não


    23/10/2015 - 08h45

    Psiu… Volta para os seus remédios controlados.

    Shinna Lantyer

    23/10/2015 - 11h13

    Obrigado por confirmarem o que eu disse!

Douglas Benício

23/10/2015 - 01h21

O Cafezinho, isso mesmo. Meus parabéns por começar a colocar textos em inglês.
Só assim a imprensa internacional terá outras fontes além da Veja e poderão oferecer outros olhares sobre o Brasil para o resto do mundo.

    Murilo Alberto

    23/10/2015 - 12h30

    A imprensa internacional tem seus repórteres aqui, teta…

Harrison Bourguignon

23/10/2015 - 00h39

Duplo sentido interessante nesse cartaz

Luto pelo fim da democracia. De fato.

    Ge Munhoz

    23/10/2015 - 02h10

    É…realmente….estamos de luto…porque do jeito que esta entraremos numa ditadura real, sem militares.

    Harrison Bourguignon

    23/10/2015 - 02h52

    Enquanto houver gente lutando pelo fim da democracia…..

    Maria Rocha

    23/10/2015 - 07h39

    é…. mas quem carrega o cartaz e pela ocasião, não deixa dúvida q está em luta é pelo fim da democracia e não o luto, o pesar. Quem elaborou o cartaz, sem querer, pode ter dado um sentido ambíguo. Mas o contexto ali é de quem não quer democracia. Vai ver nem sabe o que é.


22/10/2015 - 22h08

I’d like know why do you used to writing in english? is it for any international magazine or journal?



    23/10/2015 - 06h03

    To the world know another version of Brazilian politics

Mauricio Gomes

22/10/2015 - 21h22

A direita tupiniquim, além de reacionária, racista e golpista, também é patética e ridícula. Basta ver os “melhores momentos” da CPI da Petrobras para, tendo um mínimo de inteligência, entender que tipos de escroques e picaretas está por trás dessa tentativa criminosa de golpe.

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